My year bouldering is nearly finished. In fairness its kind of fading away towards the end instead of building to the grand finale I thought it would. But I won't go into that now.
What I want to know is should I keep this blog or start a new one once the year is up? I've a poll posted in the side bar (it's over there >>) so please vote and let me know.
Yes means that stays. No means I start a new blog elsewhere.
Maybe you could start a new blog solely about how you get on with your planned improvements in trad climbing?I reckon that would be pretty interesting to see how the book you've ordered and generally getting back into trad climbing helps your confidence.But then again I just hope you keep blogging, whether it be on this one or a new one, keep up the good work!
Oh, and if you ever want some company bouldering or climbing, my name's John and I think I climb around the same grades as you, I live in Dublin and my username on is the same as above, so just personal message me if you're up for it, I should be around for most of the summer and then weekends and the odd evening during te college year, anyway, seeyah around,
i want to know how you did with your original targets, ie the pull ups etc..
I'll write about that soon Tim.
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