Saturday, May 17, 2008

Irish Bouldering News

Turns out I've been asked to write for a website. Its not the first time I'll have had something published, it'll be the third time, but this time it's a regular gig. Probably got a thumbs up from Neal in the background as Team Geared Up have asked me to write a weekly bouldering column - which I've agreed to do. I was beginning to wonder what I'll do with this once the year is up. Well now I know, I'll be writing for TGU and it all starts at the end of June.

I doubt it will focus exclusively on Irish bouldering because let face it there's not enough of us doing exciting enough stuff on a weekly basis but I do hope to have an Irish bias.


Neal said...

I'd say it's robin keeping active on the blogging scene - I didn't know about this!
As for regular bouldering posts, think we need to get our head together and work out a method to getting a regular write-up on TGU for climbing news!

Anonymous said...

Cool, looking forward to it, speaking of bouldering news, check out this video of adam ondra sending an 8b in melloblocco after 15minutes- >,9174.0/all.html
Crazy!!, although his slip on the way down is still hilarious-he must be mortal after all