I've really been slack with this blog haven't I? Well it is summer I suppose. Does anybody even read it anymore? Answers in comments please
I am developing a small area in Sligo which shall remain secret for the time being. Mostly because at present theres a couple of Font 5s, a 6a and a 6b(ish) project and that's it. Not much interest there yet. I'm also at odds on how to publish the problems. The rock is sandstone and while the problems are fingery and strong there's always a huge jug within reach. How do you say this is such and such when following the line on jugs makes it easy as hell? Anyway I've several trips back to Sligo planned and should *hopefully* put together a little guide at some stage during the summer.
In other news there's a rat-race planned for Belfast in August. I'm entering avec le future wife and we're starting training for that.
I subscribe by RSS so get all ur (infrequent) posts in google reader, always nice to see irish blogs on the go, especially by a climber/boulderer.
Im planning on the rat race too, with Belfast being my home city Im hoping i might have a bit of an advantage.
Pierre Fuentes did a good job in the format and publicising his Stonecutters Glen guide http://pierreboulderingblog.blogspot.com/2008/04/stonecutters-glen-guide.html , though im not too fond of the colour grading. will have to get around the country this summer to try out all these new areas.
Don't worry, you do have readers :)
Thanks guys. Its nice to see somebody subscribing to the RSS feed as well.
yep, subscription feed means it's easy to keep an eye on the blogs :)
intermittent writing is still better than no writing :)
Mark: the colour system is more a joke that anything else: I hate grading stuff though: I always get it wrong and people complain.
Phil: sandstone sounds sweet in my hear so I hope you'll have that info ready before the winter ;-) And if it's big let us know if you need a hand to clean stuff, I'm always happy to help.
Mark: the colour grading was more a joke than anything else. I'm no good at grading. People always complain so idealy I'd prefer to leave them out completly.
Phil: sandstone sounds good: hope you'll have the stuff ready before the winter, looking forward to see what it's like!
I'll let you know Pierre, I'll need some company at some stage over the summer. There's only so much I can do on my own. Its a smallish area but there's more potential around and about.
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