Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I haven't been bouldering and have nothing to report on that front. But no news is good news. Or rather its bad news. Both myself and Jenny (my GF) have had our hands full with family emergencies. In the middle of Jenny's emergency at 7:45 am on Saturday I get a phone call to tell me my Dad, who's elderly, is going to hospital after a bad fall. He's broken his collar bone and will be laid up for a few weeks. Believe it or not this isn't too bad - it could have been much, much worse. In fact it is much worse but that's for Jenny to tell. So no climbing for us - we've driven all over the country though picking up people from airports, visiting hospitals, bringing dad home from hospital and attending a heavy metal wedding (the bride wore black).

I can't even cycle to work at the moment what with needing the car to see Dad in the evening - hope I don't get too unfit. I may try and get down the gym before the weekend but TBH with all the cool ascents going on the in country the gym is hardly inspiring, read Dave Ayton's blog on the right side bar for more. I want to get out onto the rock, I'll see if I can swing something at the weekend. Glendo would be good but I need my mobile phone working at all times and the coverage up there is minimal but even a trip to Dalkey is something. I would be good to unwind.

Bouldering is my folly. With all this going on around us I've had a chance to pause for thought, go play with my god daughter, and get things in perspective. Life has a way of reminding you whats really important. I've 11 months left in this year which is more than enough to get some climbing done. LifeTM needs me elsewhere for now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Sorry to hear that Phil.